My Top 10 Favorite Podcasts of 2020
If there was one guilty pleasure I’ve had the opportunity to indulge in (not mentioning the grotesque pounds of bread) during this quarantine it would have to be the absolute massive amounts of podcasts I’ve been listening to. I’ve been a fan for quite a few years, but this time has really allowed to deep dive into other categories and interest and find new ways to pass time. Everything from hearing stories to go to sleep, celebrity interviews, history, biology, hobbies and more. Here are my top 10 podcasts of 2020.
Note: All podcast descriptions are provided by the podcasts themselves.
8. Levar Burton Reads
Type: Storytelling / Leisure
The best short fiction, handpicked by the best voice in podcasting. In every episode, host LeVar Burton (Roots, Reading Rainbow, Star Trek) invites you to take a break from your daily life, and dive into a great story. LeVar’s narration blends with gorgeous soundscapes to bring stories by Neil Gaiman, Haruki Murakami, Octavia Butler, Ray Bradbury and more to life. So, if you’re ready, let’s take a deep breath…
6. CreatureGeek
Type: SFX Makeup / Interviews
This is the SFX Makeup podcast from a fan and pro perspective! Len Peralta is the fan, an artist with a keen interest in makeup and special effects. Frank Ippolito is the pro, a working professional in the FX industry with movies and TV under his belt. Together they cover a variety of topics, interview guests and geek out in general about makeup.
2. Ologies
Type: Science / Comedy
Volcanoes. Trees. Drunk butterflies. Mars missions. Slug sex. Death. Beauty standards. Anxiety busters. Beer science. Bee drama. Take away a pocket full of science knowledge and charming, bizarre stories about what fuels these professional -ologists’ obsessions. Humorist and science correspondent Alie Ward asks smart people stupid questions and the answers might change your life.
1. Draftsmen
Type: Art / Comedy
Stan Prokopenko and Marshall Vandruff are art instructors. If you love the arts, particularly the craft of drawing and painting and image-making… and you want to level up your skills or even make a living with your skills, we are here to answer your questions. We’re here to offer you advice, refer you to our resources, share your love of the craft and maybe inspire you!